Webinar Journey to Self-Love after Divorce (6 Sessions)

Webinar Journey to Self-Love after Divorce (6 Sessions)


Self-Love after Divorce.

It’s not enough to wish for more self-love. We must be intentional about creating it and commit to loving ourselves by practicing certain habits every day. This is particularly essential following divorce. Join us on this webinar journey to greater self-love. Learn, together with others, to give yourself the love you deserve.

Divorce will often leave you feeling like less than a whole person. Maybe we gave too much of ourselves to someone we loved deeply. Perhaps circumstances and our giving nature, eradicated parts of our identity, and we find ourselves literally unable to answer this simple question “What do you like to do?” How can anyone not know what they like to do? It is pretty simple because we start pleasing our spouses and children to an unhealthy level. We allow, partners, work, family, friends, and children to take so much from us we have left a virtual shell of the person we used to be.

Firstly, we should acknowledge and then forgive that some of the blame for this falls on ourselves, there is really nothing attractive in being a martyr, and we as adults should not allow our needs to be lost in the shuffle of life. We must accept that we allowed ourselves to compromise and give to the point of little self-love.

It’s not enough to wish for more self-love. We must be intentional about creating it and commit to loving ourselves by practicing certain habits every day. This is particularly essential following divorce. Join us on this webinar journey to greater self-love. Learn, together with others, to give yourself the love you deserve.

This is a series of 6 webinars, which you can join live, and which will be recorded for you to access for up to a year.

Live Dates:  

15th Aug 2023 (Tuesday), 4pm

22nd Aug 2023 (Tuesday), 4pm

29th Aug 2023 (Tuesday), 4pm

05th Sep 2023 (Tuesday), 4pm

12th Sep 2023 (Tuesday), 4pm

19th Sep 2023 (Tuesday), 4pm



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The Compassionate Space - Online Group Counselling - Self love after divorceWebinar Journey to Self-Love after Divorce (6 Sessions)
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