Corporate Trainings

Empower your people, increase productivity, see results!

Any business’s most valuable assets are its people. Retaining your best talent is therefore vital. When people feel unheard, undervalued and stagnant, staff turnover increases. It is more cost effective to invest in your people and thereby increase productivity, than to replace them. 

The Compassionate Space provides Training and Workshops which address real and important challenges your people face every day, making them feel heard and supported.

The Compassionate Space - Online Group Counselling - Corporate Workshops
The difference in our workshops:

Even when people retain what they have learned through traditional training, it often does not result in the ability nor the will to apply the training.

By using a unique blend of training, facilitation, coaching and counselling techniques, our workshops are different from standard training courses or traditional group workshops. In order to ensure sustainable results, these workshops:

  • Have a small group size of maximum 20 people, and therefore provide a more effective, supportive and challenging learning experience.
  • Are tailored to your business and your people’s specific needs.
  • Provide proven strategies and techniques (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques) that are quick and easy to learn, apply and sustain.
  • Are highly interactive – people learn by doing.
  • Enable your people to help and coach others within your organisation – and thus ‘pay it forward’.

Below are some of the two day workshops 

Personal Productivity, Goal Setting and Learning from Others.

Participants will learn how to establish routines, set goals, create an efficient environment, and use time-honored planning and organizational tools to maximize their personal productivity. You will also learn the Goal Setting characteristics of successful people and in turn will become happier and more productive.

Thriving in a Diverse Workplace.

Participants will be able to use strategies for removing barriers and stereotypes. Skills such as active listening to receive messages in a diverse population will be learned.

Effective Communication Strategies and Conflict Resolution Skills.

This workshop will help participants understand the different methods of communication and how to make the most of each it. Participants will also learn crucial conflict management skills, including dealing with anger and using the Agreement Frame.

Emotional Intelligence and Improving Self-Awareness.

This workshop will equip you with the ability to understand your own feelings, and that of groups, and how these emotions can influence motivation and behavior. You will gain a new perspective on yourself and your emotions, and become more equipped to deal with daily life and its challenges.

Handling Difficult People.

We often interact with difficult people at work, where difficult people are defined as, inter alia:

 (I) People who cannot see past their own views, solution or ideas.
(ii) People who will try to shine at the expense of others.
(iii) People who do not know the limits of their knowledge.
(Iv) People who are too proud to admit when they are wrong.

You will be taught how to handle public and private interactions with difficult people well and how to turn this challenging situation into an opportunity to develop and show my strengths/professionalism.

Business Ethics and Developing Corporate Behavior.

You will be equipped with the skills required to develop a business environment that reflects a positive set of values and ethics which helps a business stand out and be a leader in the business world.

Leadership Skills and Employee Motivation and Influence.

You will learn to implement the techniques of true leadership and influence, you will be able to build the confidence it takes to take the lead. You will also gain a new perspective on teamwork, and become a valuable member to any team you are placed in, creating a positive atmosphere within your company with the use of teams. We will also touch how to better coach your employees to higher performance as coaching is a process of relationship building and setting goals.

Women in Leadership.

The role of women in the workplace has evolved in the last 20 years from having secretarial roles to having positions of leadership and great responsibly in the workplace. This workshop is focused in further enhancing the performance of women leaders in the corporate environment. Participants will also be equipped with the necessary tools required to overcome the challenges women face and to thrive in the male dominated corporate environment.

Training the trainer (Facilitation Skills).

This workshop is targeted at organizations that wish to develop, or further develop the skills of their internal trainers. Participants will be taught practical was to ensure effective training sessions using the most modern techniques.  The workshop is highly practical hands on thus will be required to showcase what you have learnt and provided with constructive feedback.

Wellness at Work and Stress Management.

Learn to maximize positive stress and reduce negative stress by looking at the triple approach. You will also taught how to detect the signs of anxiety early and be equipped with the tools needed to cope and deal with it in order to be better suited to the challenges that the workplace can bring.

For more information, or to book your session, contact us on: Whatsapp: +27 78 446 7864 or email:

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